Updated: 2025-03-28

Vennan Adharaid, Prince of the Dawn and only child of the vaerie sovereign, is determined to uphold his family's legacy. His now-regal mother miraculously re-established the realm of eternal Dawn from the depths of myth, and his late father led the defense of their world against ruthless mortal invaders. Though young and still untested, Adhar prepares to assume his first noteworthy responsibility: securing that hard-won peace with their once-great enemies.

However, not all is well within the realm. Glowing embers of the Great War threaten to reignite violence with their Imperial neighbors. Revolution brews as the Wild Hunt rallies around his father's death-marked protege. And dark powers conspire within the heart of the vaerie court itself to restore a long-lost heir to the now-remade throne. The noble Prince must navigate the dangers of a sword-crossed romance, threats of civil war, and sinister intrigues to thwart disaster at every turn if he is to grow into the chivalrous man he dreams of becoming. At stake is his life and all he holds dear.