Updated: 2024-05-31

Some dead men tell tales, and some little girls have tails...

Daughter of the Lord of Thieves, Sette Frummagem is on a mission, and she'll lie, cheat, and steal to make sure it's a success (she'll lie, cheat, and steal anyway). Condemned to aid her in her rotten endeavors is a rotten corpse who seems oddly talented with the supernatural, and oddly not laying motionless in the dirt.

The road is long and no one is what they seem. Never trust a thief, and never trust anyone who won't let you look into their eyes.

Unsounded is a donation-supported free graphic novel by Ashley Cope. It falls into the Epic Fantasy Adventure genre, with occasional forays into the horrific, the profane, and the goofy.

Trigger warning: child molestation.

Content rating:
Some Adult Material (R)
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