Updated: 2017-01-10

WUN*DER*KA*MMER [Ger, WUHN-der-kah-mur, VOON-]
-noun, plural -kammern, German. -ka*mmern [-kah-murn].

1. An encyclopedic collection of objects belonging to natural history, geology, ethnography, archaeology, religious or historical relics, works of art, and antiquities; a "Cabinet of Curiosities."
2. A floating museum situated in the imagination of an eccentric French baron.
3. A webcomic by Amelia Onorato; wherein a number of interesting characters living in #2 go about collecting the contents of #1, all why trying to not destroy the time/space continuum.

16th Century; <G., equiv. to Wunder WONDER + Kammer CABINET.

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